LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) are some of the best open source technologies available in the web application development market. LAMP development is often used to rapidly build customised e-Commerce and business systems. It’s also renowned for being highly adaptable and flexible, with plenty of third party libraries available to easily add advanced functionality.

At Intergy, we use custom PHP development services to develop a wide range of applications, including: Ecommerce systems, Order and Job Management systems, Booking systems, Custom websites, Scheduling Systems and more.

Why choose PHP Development?

PHP is used in many different ways. It’s an Open-Source programming language, which means PHP developers don’t need to pay for licenses to use it. It’s also cross-platform, so it can enable operations across many different operating systems, including MacOS, Windows, UNIX, and Linux.

PHP code allows developers to create attractive, dynamic websites using PHP scripts. These websites encourage visitors to stay and learn more about your company, and can increase conversions.

PHP can also facilitate the development of complex internal business systems, helping to keep your team organised and stress-free, whilst driving your company’s growth.

find right solutions


We will work together with your team to determine the best solution that is specific to your needs and goals

efficiency productivity


Each of our projects are designed to improve efficiency and productivity so you spend less time on the little things

How it works

At Intergy, we ensure your PHP development project is a success. We collaborate with you throughout the development process so you can get the best possible results.


Get in touch and our experienced PHP technology consultants will analyse the way your business runs and the type of PHP application you’re looking for. The initial process is all about planning and solution design, so we can deliver an application that exceeds your expectations.


We want to create a PHP project that will help you grow your business.


Our projects aren’t completed until you’re 100% happy, and our stringent testing process means that we don’t consider PHP web development to be completed until we’ve completed a number of checks and balances.

Whatever you’re trying to find, we have a wealth of expertise creating efficient solutions using a variety of databases and frameworks. If you’re looking for a reputable PHP software development company, get in touch with Intergy today. We are excited to help your business achieve its goals through innovative PHP development.

Our PHP services

Dynamic websites with server side scripting

Database-driven website development

Message and community boards

Issue tracking and workflow platforms

Cross-platform gui applications

Content management systems

E-commerce solutions

E-learning solutions


Our PHP technical expertise


Zend, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Yii, phpMVC, CakePHP


Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo


Magento, OpenCart, OSCommerce, WooCommerce


Telerik AppBuilder, Ionic Framework, React Native


Angular JS, Node JS, ReactJS, Bootstrap


Smarty, PHP Template, Twig


MySQL, Postgre SQL

PHP Development Frameworks

Laravel Development

Laravel is a powerful, modern, open-source framework with an expressive and elegant syntax. The framework reduces development effort by simplifying common tasks, while at the same time enabling advanced functionality. An excellent framework for web applications, Laravel enables us to build projects quickly and easily while providing structure and business logic. Read More >>

Laravel Development
Symfony Development

Symfony Development​

One of the leading PHP frameworks, Symfony offers a substantial set of reusable components that can be used to create websites and applications. Symfony complies with industry rules, is well-structured, maintainable and scalable and offers all the flexibility we need to design and build solutions that perfectly meet our customers’ needs. Read More >>

Custom PHP Development​

PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages and can be used to create dynamic solutions that meet a narrowly defined set of requirements. Whether you need an eCommerce website, Content Management System (CMS), scheduling system or web application, our custom PHP development services can help build an efficient solution that integrates seamlessly with your other essential business systems. Read More >>

Custom PHP Development


PHP stands for ‘PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor’ and is a widely-used, open-source, server-side scripting language. PHP is a fundamental web technology used to create feature-rich, data-driven websites, static websites and web applications. The scripting language is known for its flexibility and suitability for building a wide range of dynamic systems.

PHP can do anything related to server-side programming, which makes it a very popular scripting language. Some of its main features include:

  • Open-source, freely-available code.
  • Fast processing scripts that execute quickly.
  • Compatibility with all operating systems.
  • Simple third-party integrations.
  • Ability to embed within HTML script and tags
Due to its functional nature, PHP is a lot simpler than other programming languages such as JavaScript, Python and Node JS. However, it still stands up in terms of performance, frameworks and coding. As a server-side scripting language, compared to client-side languages, PHP perfectly handles responsibilities such as image resizing, database querying, user authentication and more.
PHP has many use cases and can quickly help convert business ideas into dynamic web solutions. Whether it’s a simple website or a CRM solution, PHP can quickly turn an idea into reality. The scripting language is used to build highly interactive websites, custom PHP applications, powerful software applications or, indeed, to rescue existing projects and help bring them to fruition.
If you want to turn your business idea into reality, it’s vital to choose the right PHP development team. To do this, you need to ask questions related to past projects and analyse any prospective company’s previous work. You’ll also want to review and scrutinise their technological expertise, existing knowledge base and industry experience. Finally, consider how you’ll communicate and work together on your project.
The first step in every development project we manage is to focus on your business requirements. We’ll analyse your project, carry out market research and provide an in-depth estimation. After the initial planning and research phase, we’ll move on to designing, testing and launching your solution. The whole process takes an average of three to six months, depending on the complexity of your project and we’ll ensure to include you at every step of the way.
Security is fundamental to everything we do, which is why we embed security measures to protect your data and sensitive information at all times. Our team of PHP experts will ensure your data is protected using the latest and advanced technologies. PHP includes many pre-defined functions for data encryption and security algorithms that enable security to dovetail perfectly with flexibility.
As with any development project, the cost is variable and will depend on the scope of your project, your requirements and your budget. However, we are always upfront about our costs and will ensure you receive a full estimation and breakdown before we start working on your project. It’s also worth noting that PHP is a cost-effective choice as it’s open-source and you don’t need to pay for the technology itself.

Tell Us About Your Project

Call us on 1300 739 117 or complete the form to book your free consultation and discover how we can add value to your business software solutions.

Case Studies : PHP development

Unlocking the Potential of AlphaOne College with Custom Software Development

AlphaOne College, a coaching and tutoring institution catering to students from kindergarten through to Year 12, faced a challenge with their existing learning portal. Since their existing portal was part of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product, it lacked the flexibility required to accommodate the custom functions essential for AlphaOne's growing business.
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Boating Industry Association (BIA) Marine Card Project

The Boating Industry Association (BIA) is a not-for-profit organisation that acts as the peak body in Australian maritime and boating business. Their goal is to support marine businesses to thrive and grow whilst promoting the maritime industry as a whole.
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